Saturday, June 26, 2010

More renovation photos

Not a whole lot of changes this week. Our builder, Owen, was flying solo this week as his offsider has a broken leg and his ring-in had to go back to Auckland. Owen is also suffering with trapped nerve in his back. So this has rather restricted his capabilities.

In addition to personnel problems we are still waiting for windows. They can't close in the house until the windows are delivered.

So Owen has started doing some of the smaller stuff while he is waiting.

Closing in the bottom of the extension

Making the supports for the steps at the end of the deck.

Looking out onto the deck

One of the coolest things about the renovation (I think) is that the opening pictured above is going to be one massive double-glazed bi fold door.

Our door will be similar to this only with five sections

Progress....just a bit slower than we were hoping...
Still no disasters yet!

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