The New Zealand Christmas Tree - Pohutakawa in bloom in our front yard
It never really feels like Christmas in the southern hemisphere.As a result we never really do very much in the way of celebration. This year was no exception to this rule. We were invited over for a bbq with some friends on Christmas Day, and the one traditional thing we did was eat too much of the yummy food.
The rest of the Christmas week we have been trying to catch up on lots of chores and finish projects at home. We have made some progress in the garden by pulling out the weeds that were taking over one side of our house. We also finished off several wood working projects with the final sanding, staining and waxing of the wood.

Helen's cook book stand (pictures to follow)
It wasn't all work - we did get out mountain biking and we did a lot of relaxing around the house - recovering from our exertions.