Spring has come and we have started to turn our attentions to the garden. Helen has been planting spring veggies in the garden. The raspberry plants have been sprouting new leaves. And the rhubarb and artichokes are going strong.
I have been working on the aesthetics of the front part of the garden. Washing the front windows of the extension has proven a bit difficult because the sloping front garden makes it difficult to use a ladder. I came up with an idea to use part of the retaining wall to brace some bits of wood and make some small terraces, providing flat spots to place the ladder.
Last weekend I bought some wood to test out my idea. I got the first one done and it didn't turn out to bad.

One down three to go.
Today I went and bought some more wood to finish the other three steps.
The other three done.
We plan to reuse some of the paving stones from the side of the house and fill in around them with pea gravel.
In other parts of the garden the Canna Lillies are blossoming
As are the Chatham Island Forget-Me-Nots
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