Helen had guide camp for the first half of the weekend and I spread my time between the garden and the garage. I adjusted the travel on a couple of suspension forks and swapped them between bikes. My old Reba Team with a fresh new damper cartridge went on the Duster along with the original crankset from the GT and a new chain and cassette.
Out in the garden, I tweaked the bottom step on the south side of the house, making it wider. It now extends all the way to the under-house access. This area had just been an uneven pile of dirt. By extending the step, it makes a nice smooth surface to walk on while ducking under the steps. It also makes for a nice transition for the gravel I put under the steps.

Still a bit of work to do on the back bit.
On the north side of the house I have hacked the slope back a bit so I can build a small block retaining wall. The bit between the wall and the house is going to get weed-matted and gravelled.
Helen weeded around the Chatham Island Forget-Me-Nots.
On Monday I got most of a third step sorted before lunch. My drill bit broke so I couldn't screw down the bit next to the house.
After lunch Karl came around and we worked on getting his bike sorted, while Helen went to visit a friend who just had a baby.